IELTS or International English Language Test System has become one of the magnetic tests of today’s youth. Increasing emigration has resulted in giving IELTS a pivotal place in the current era. It is a natural fact that if a thing is greater in use, misconceptions increase. These misconceptions might lead to failures or disappointments. This blog can help you defend yourself from such myths and help you ace better.
Some Wide Spread Myths About IELTS
Myth-1: IELTS is harder than other English Tests
Thousands of employers, institutes and companies across the globe accept IELTS as the standard of checking language aptitude.
Due to its pervasiveness, many government organizations too judge language convenience with IELTS. IELTS could not be judged on the basis of difficulty as it does not need any kind of learning or cramming. It is based on understanding. So, the better the concepts, the lesser the difficulty.
Myth- 2: I don’t need to join IELTS preparation courses. I can prepare myself.
Even though you can prepare the IELTS test yourself, most people who succeed have attended an IELTS preparation course. Rodney from Philippines, for example, got an overall score of 8.0 after attending 8 weeks of an IELTS course. He said: “IELTS isn’t difficult; however, there are tips and tricks needed to get a good score, and preparation is mandatory.”
Myth- 3: Different countries conduct different IELTS tests.
Although the IELTS test has two different versions (IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training), each version on the same day is the same everywhere in the world; so, in fact, the test itself is not any easier for anyone.
Myth- 4: Scams offering IELTS information
With the increasing trend of IELTS test, people are taking advantage of the name and are constructing the scams. Candidate should be aware of such calls and emails as these frauds can use the personal information to exploit the lives. Take calls from the certified or registered numbers only
Myth- 5: It is easy to cheat in IELTS Test
If you are thinking to cheat in the test, you could be doing a grave mistake! IELTS is protected by an advanced and multilayered protection system to avoid any types of unfair means of commencement.
- The photograph is taken and fingerprints are scanned before giving a test to ensure that the same person sits for the test.
- Question papers are delivered directly to test centers without human interference.
- The centers are routinely audited.
- If a person is found using unfair means, he is disqualified, the organization where he wants to go is informed and visa office is also informed sideways.
Myth- 6: IELTS is too difficult
Saying IELTS to be a difficult test could not be justified. Questions are straight forward specially woven to evaluate your language skills.
Remember, IELTS is a ‘No Pass No Fail’test, where aptitude is evaluated on the basis of 1-9 bands. The requirement of bands is varied from organization to organization.
Myth- 7: I can take the test only once.
There is no limit to the number of times you can take the IELTS test. You can take it as many times as you wish until you achieve your dream score. However, you will need to pay the test fee for each attempt.
Myth- 8: To get my desired IELTS score, I must be ready to do as many IELTS practice tests as possible.
You only need to apply appropriate test strategies rather multiple tests in order to achieve a high score on your IELTS test. This is not to say that practice tests aren’t helpful. Remember that the IELTS measures your English proficiency and not how well you know the test.
Myth- 9: I need to speak with a western/ Australian/ Canadian/ British accent to pass the speaking test.
A speaking test is a part of the IELTS exam that typically aims to test English speaking proficiency. You don’t need to flaunt a western accent to get a high score. Just use your natural accent and focus on speaking clearly and at a natural pace so the examiner will understand you.
Myth- 10: The most essential component of the IELTS test is the speaking part.
This is far from the truth. All four components (speaking, listening, writing, and reading) are equally important. Usually, there is a required overall score and ALL components above a specific band (e.g. an overall score of 8.0 with all components above 7.0).
Myth- 11: Quality matters more than speed.
Whereas the quality of answers you give during the test is important, you should not forget that all 4 sections of the test have a limit; and you should therefore be capable of answering all the questions within the time allocated.
Myth- 12: I need a score of 7.0 to pass the IELTS test.
The IELTS test is not a pass/fail test. It measures English proficiency. However, you can say that you passed or failed depending on what you need the test for. For example, if you get the IELTS score required to enter a Master’s degree program, then you can say you passed.
Myth- 13: More words in writing test mean more bands
The word limit of IELTS Writing Task 1 is 150 words and Task 2 is 250 words. The candidate should not write less than the word limit as it can affect the score.
Candidate can write more than the word limit but it won’t affect the score. He/she should use correct grammar, enriched vocabulary and boggling expressions; these are what help in gaining a high score.
Myth- 14: Practicing sample questions would help score better bands
Practicing from the sample questions is no doubt a good way to know that what is expected to come and what is expected to be answered. However, to score better bands, you need to be fluent in the language.
Start using it in your daily routine, talk in English with your friends, family and other nears. Watch English shows and read newspapers. If you still feel the need, seek guidance through an English course.
Myth- 15: Smiling and laughing while speaking test can get you good score
Smiling while performing a test might help you boost confidence. It can help you improve your performance. Test takers are trained to closely evaluate you on the basis of your English skills. Smile or laugh would not increase the band score.
Myth- 16: If the opinions in writing and speaking test do not match to that of the examiner, you might lose marks
Opinions do not matter in the exams. Tests are graded according to how well the language is used to express information and ideas