We hear about it every time we turn the radio on and each time we stare at a magazine. It even seems like most email signatures have a 2020 logo in them. But what does it really mean for Dubai? Winning the bid has definitely boosted people’s confidence in the UAE’s job market. But where does English come into all this? With the increase in business, Dubai is going to have to deal more and more with companies internationally. Most companies that deal with counterparts from abroad will communicate in English and most tourists will try to communicate in English while in Dubai. Yes, Arabic is the official language here in Dubai, but look at hotel staff! Can they actually all speak Arabic? Of course not! Must communicate in English.
When employees deal with customers either face-to-face, over the phone or by email, they represent their company and its values. Providing language training to employees that deal with customers is a smart move for any company. When someone puts in the email subject “Plez help”, yes the language is bad but what is even worse is how they decide to put themselves across. Begging for a job is never good and no employer will take someone on who begs.
This is now common sense and something that can be improved over time and understanding of other cultures. Substantially, LLCC- the big ray of hope often pulls our attraction as being able to guide English as an essential foreign language helps to grow the skill in the present competitive jobs market; Emirati youth are well known for their exceptional bilingual skills, which can enable them to pursue careers in multinational entities and on a global scale. Joining hands with LLCC always helps to stay in the field of learning and development of one’s personality.
We are strongly committed to attracting and retaining national as well as expatriate talent, and we have launched a five-year strategic plan to achieve higher percentage of job placements by foreign languages, English and Computers by 2021. UAE soon going to be a gigantic umbrella for 198 nations providing opportunities to excel their economic growth on the colossal level. Consequently, the veteran language guardian-LLCC welcomes the range of customers including locals and the other native expats by providing not only an English language but also vivid languages to different natives. Dealing with cross borders business communication may reduce the stress for them by learning Computer program to beat the techno business.
Our dynamic Institute makes the gauge language proficiency best and quality proven for the learners. Communication means the exchange of information, ideas, feelings and thoughts. The type of communication which issued in the corporate world is business communication. It i s n o t m e r e exc h a n g e o f i d e a s . I n t h e wo r l d o f b u s i n e s s t h e-communication system is considered effective, only if there is some positive transaction. English has gained importance as one of the basic requirement to be employable in the corporate sectors.
If the companies don’t build a workforce who are fluent in English, then they remain confined to one particular regional level. They may lose contact with the rest of the world. Having good English communication is one such. In the real world, the only medium of communication is English, since it is universal. I stress upon the fact that how well you can communicate and impress HR/any person with your speech matters in most of the successful carriers